Conventional taxi
and courier services

Trutnov | Hradec Králové Region | entire Czech Republic

Order our services on the
non-stop line

We operate as a conventional taxi service and also offer courier services not only in Trutnov, but also throughout the entire Czech Republic and abroad. It only takes one call, and we will without problem transport you and your things wherever you want.

Reliable and comfortable
transport of persons and goods

Our services

Taxi service

We will transport you wherever you want quickly and reliably

Company transport

We ensure the transport of employees and customers

Courier service

We transport packages, flowers and shopping for you

Order our services on the
non-stop line

Find out more
about our taxi service

Our company philosophy means that the greatest number of people can afford to travel by taxi.

We are more than just a conventional taxi service. In addition to transporting people, we offer firms the transport of customers and employees. We take your children to school and after-school activities. We carry skiers and snowboarders and their equipment. We also ensure the transfer of packages, consignments, flowers or shopping for you. Just call our head office, and we’ll organise the rest.

What our customers
say about us

Take a look at our reviews from Facebook.
You can find others directly on our profile.

Contact us
telephone or fill in the form

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Choose the professionals, ive us a call and go by DotaxiGo.

© 2022 All rights reserved | Dotaxigo

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od zahájení provozu

Do konce července po Trutnově za 89,- Kč/do 5 km